Frequently asked questions


About the conversation status?

New :
This conversation has just arrived in the luminjo dashboard. This new conversation has not yet been responded to by an agent.
Pending :
This conversation has been responded to by an agent. Luminjo marks pending when you awaiting a response from the client.
Open :
This conversation has been opened and replied to by the client and is now awaiting another reply from an agent or to be closed.
Closed :
The conversation is resolved. The conversation can be closed by an agent or the client and can be reopened at any moment.

What is the "duration before closing a pending conversation"?

The duration before the closing of a pending conversation is the number of days before the automatic closing of a conversation. The conversation will have the status "on hold" which means that an agent has responded to a client and that your team is waiting for a response. Without a response, the conversation will automatically switch to "closed" status in order to no longer appear in your dashboard.

However, it remains visible if you wish to consult it again. A new response from the customer after this delay will pass the conversation to "open" status.

What will be the URL of my luminjo account?

The URL of your dedicated space will be defined when you register for luminjo. By default, this takes the name of your company entered when you sign-up. But in the registration form, you have the option to customize your URL which is in the form "".

Once registration is finalized, you may still edit your URL if you wish

What about the security of my data?

We take pride in the security of your data. These are stored on our secure servers. Your data will remain completely confidential and will never be disseminated to third parties.

Can I use luminjo in other languages?

Your luminjo account will soon be available in several languages. You can use it with all your customers, even if they do not speak English.

Does luminjo work on my smartphone ?

Your luminjo account is accessible from any device using an internet connection. You can answer your customers from your smartphone, just as easily from your tablet or your computer.

Who should use luminjo?

Luminjo online customer support software is aimed at companies and others in contact with customers and/or prospects. Luminjo serves as a link between the questions of your clients and your team. Whether you are an SME, TPE, communities, associations ... Provide quality support to all your contacts thanks to the many features of luminjo.

Am I notified of a new conversation?

As an administrator you can define the settings of your luminjo account, you have the possibility to choose whether or not to receive notifications by e-mail or directly in your web browser. For that, nothing more simple, you just have to check or uncheck the options that you want.

Can I add more agents to my luminjo account?

It is possible to manage several accounts easily on luminjo. As an entrepreneur, you may be at the head of several companies. Which in turns means you may have several different customer needs. You can easily create several luminjo accounts and add the corresponding agents to each of your companies.

Can I answer a luminjo conversation from my personal e-mail?

If you have activated the notifications by e-mail, you will receive an e-mail for each new conversation received. Within this same e-mail, to save time, you can respond directly by email to the conversation. Rest assured all exchanges will be saved in your luminjo dashboard. Automatically the conversation will update it's status to pending(because waiting for a response from the customer).

How do I change my password?

For security reasons, at any time in your account settings, you can change your password. Simply enter your old password and choose a new password. In case you forgot your password, click on "forgot?" when logging in. You will be prompted how to access your luminjo account.

I can't find a conversation, how can I find it?

You may be flooded with conversations by your customers. A conversation seems to be a priority? Do not panic, you have a search bar at the top right of the luminjo dashboard. Click on the magnifying glass and type in your query. The search engine will then present all the conversations containing the word or words typed.

How can I change the role of my agents?

To change the role of an agent, you must be a luminjo account administrator. Agents' role management is set in the list of your agents. Simply click on the pencil at the line corresponding to one of the agents and change its role (for example from "agent" to "super agent").

How can I login to my luminjo account?

When you create your account, you receive your personalized URL luminjo. From this URL, you access your login screen. If you prefer, you can log in from luminjo's website as well. In the menu above, go to the "sign in" tab. With your username and password, you can then sign in and will be directed your luminjo dashboard.

How do I sign out of my luminjo account?

On the luminjo dashboard, at the top right, you will recognize the icon "on/off". In just a click, you will be logged off of your luminjo account.

How can I change the delay of auto-closing a conversation?

As an administrator, it is essential to properly configure your luminjo account settings. The duration before closing a pending conversation should be chosen wisely. By default, a pending conversation is present for a duration of 30 days before being closed. If you do not do anything, the customer associated with this conversation receives a mail 7 days before the closing to notify him that his request is still pending.