Creation and set up

Create your luminjo account

You are convinced by the super powers of luminjo online customer support software. You now want to create your own luminjo. Click on the "sign up" from anywhere on the site from the top menu.

On the page dedicated to luminjo sign up you must simply indicate your name and surname, the name of your company, an e-mail and a password. ($ # § / \ [] {} !,. An error message will be displayed if there is a password error or an e-mail error.

the URL of YOUR luminjo dashboard

Your luminjo dashboard URL is automatically set when you enter your business name (, but you can change it at any moment. If you want to customize this URL, simply click on "I want to change it!". You then enter the URL you want unless it is already taken by another account. In this case, an error message will be displayed and a different URL must be chosen.

Remember to read and accept the terms and conditions of sale during sign up. At the end sign up, you are then redirected to your company's luminjo space.

edit THE settings OF a compant account

This action is reserved only for a user who has the role of administrator. All settings can be changed by the administrator. Company logo with a short description, the URL of the company's luminjo online space, the duration before closing a pending conversation ... The various settings can be edited at any time. With the role of Super Agent and Agent, it is then impossible to modify the settings of the company.

set up agent accounts om luminjo

In the section "my agent account" find information related to your personal luminjo account. It is then possible to enter a nickname, function within a company (eg developer), a signature, a description with the possibility of attaching a profile photo. To add email and browser notifications, it's also in "my agent account". This is accessible with any role.

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